About RethinkX
We produce impartial, independent research on global technology disruptions to accurately predict system change and guide humanity to an age of superabundance and freedom.
Who we are
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our process
We focus on understanding the dynamics and the systemic nature of disruption across key market sectors. RethinkX uses the Seba Technology Disruption Framework™ to capture the interactions between technology, business models and market forces to forecast the scope, speed and scale of technology-driven disruption and its implications across key market sectors.
Where we operate
Our focus is global, and our client is humanity.
Our team come from many parts of the world and bring a diversity of thinking, experience, culture and perspectives, enabling us to work with individuals, organizations, groups and governments globally.
We have offices in London and Auckland, and a presence in many locations around the world including: San Francisco, Michigan, Oslo, Toronto, Wellington, and Melbourne.
Our Funding
RethinkX is a US 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit organization.
Impartiality and independence are fundamental to what we do and how we work.
Our core funding is from our founders James Arbib and Tony Seba, and from Tellus Mater, an independent philanthropic foundation founded by James Arbib that is dedicated to exploring the impacts of disruptive technology and its potential for solving some of the world’s most challenging problems.
We also receive philanthropic grants and donations from foundations, organizations and individuals who support our work and mission.
We sometimes engage on a fee basis for groups that wish us to help them better understand and apply our work to their context, and this can include paid speaking events, consulting services and software licensing.
We also accept funding to help accelerate research projects that are in our pipeline that may be of interest to an individual or group. However, we do not undertake any commissioned research (except where it is applying our existing work to a specific region or context).
While we provide many of our publications for free online, we receive royalties on the sale of these and our non-free books where they have been purchased through a retailer.
If you would like to financially support us and help scale the breadth, depth and impact of our work, we would love to hear from you.

It is, of course, just one of many visions of the future, but it’s a thoughtful one, and quite a bit of it rings true.
The Car Connection
May 2017
[The RethinkX authors] really nailed it...Whether all that can happen as fast as they say is another matter. But it might.
Professor Ugo Bardi
Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Florence